Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Subject. Microorganisms are a fundamental factor in the development of inflammation. The choice of a medicinal composition in the form of a gel can provide a prolonged introduction of dosage forms into the focus of inflammation. For our research, the herbal medicine Gum balm "Forest Balm" was selected. The main components are aloe juice, bisabolol, panthenol and ginger extract, which have an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect; troxerutin, which helps reduce gum bleeding; fir extract, which blocks the growth of pathogenic oral microbiota. Purpose ― to assess the effectiveness of the use of gum balm "Forest Balsam" in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases Methodology. A survey of 30 volunteer patients aged 20 to 22 years was conducted. Dental examinations were performed at the following time intervals: before application, after the 1st application, after 3 days, after 5 days and 7 days of application. The prevalence of the inflammatory process was assessed using the papillary-marginal-alveolar index and the Muhlemann bleeding index (modified by Cowell). Qualitative and quantitative study of microbiological material was performed by measuring the buccal epithelial colonization index to determine the status of local immunity. Results. Changes in the cytological picture in the direction of normocenosis are determined on the third day of applying the gum balm "Forest balm". On the 7th day of application, it eliminates all visible symptoms of gum disease (bleeding, inflammation, swelling). Conclusions. Gum balm "Forest balm" improves the protective function of the oral cavity by activating cellular defense mechanisms, strengthens local immunity, activates its own immune defense of the oral cavity to fight opportunistic microorganisms, increases the colonization resistance of the oral mucosa to opportunistic microorganisms.
periodontal disease, the index of colonization of buccal epithelium, the microbiota of the oral cavity, gel, herbal
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