Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Background. Predicting the immediate and long-term results of treatment is an urgent problem of modern medicine. The prognosis of complex dental treatment is influenced by many factors. Among the main ones: features of the individual's anatomy and physiology, the type and method of the chosen treatment, the doctor's qualification, features of the patient's psychological profile, the presence of concomitant pathology, and so on. Each of the factors must be considered separately to understand the mechanism and the strength of its impact. Relevance. Finding out the influence of diseases of the hepatobiliary system on the prognosis of dental orthopedic treatment. Objectives. We studied the indicators of patients who re-applied for replacement of an existing dental prosthesis. The study group consisted of patients with liver and biliary tract diseases, and the control group consisted of patients without concomitant General somatic pathology. The terms of use of the prosthesis, the number and severity of treatment complications, and the state of the prosthetic bed were evaluated. Standard clinical and paraclinical diagnostic methods, corresponding pathology, cone-beam computed tomography and statistical analysis methods were used as research methods. Results. The correlation of the terms of use of various types of dentures with the presence of liver and biliary tract diseases in the anamnesis was determined. The dependence of the structure of bone tissue and its density on the presence of the considered pathology was revealed. Conclusion. The obtained data can be applied by orthopedic dentists in the near and long-term prognosis of the result of treatment of patients with partial loss of teeth and concomitant diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

hepatobiliary system, dental prostheses, dental treatment complications, influence of somatic pathology on periodontal disease, prediction of dental treatment results, timing of dental prostheses use, prosthetics of teeth and dentition in somatic pathology

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