Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research is to select the diameters of the nozzles of the deflector nozzles and to determine the quality indicators of the operation of a new wide-grip sprinkler of circular action, developed at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «RosNIIPM». The selection of the diameters of the nozzles of the deflector nozzles was carried out from the conditions of passing three different flows through the DM water pipeline: 15, 30 and 60 l/s. The scheme of their arrangement – rain-forming devices have different flow rates and diameters of nozzles at the same distance between them along the DM water-conducting pipeline. The analysis of the results obtained showed small deviations in the actual flow rate of the deflector nozzles through the water pipeline (cf. deflector nozzles with calculated nozzle diameters. Investigations of irrigation uniformity were carried out, as a result of which the following results were obtained: effective irrigation coefficient – 0.67–0.78; the coefficient of insufficient irrigation is 0.10–0.12, the coefficient of excessive irrigation is 0.12–0.15. At the same time, a decrease in the uniformity of irrigation is associated with an increase in wind speed and thereby an increase in the drift of artificial rain drops, the worst condition for the use of a WDM is a wind speed of more than 5 m/s, and therefore it is recommended to use this DM in the morning and evening, characterized by a more reduced wind load.

sprinkler, sprinkler, deflector nozzle, irrigation

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