Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the possibility of reducing the circulation of sulfur oxide in the production of white cement by introducing alkaline potassium oxides K2O and sodium Na2O. A decrease in the circulation of sulfur oxide SO3 is achieved by increasing its yield in the clinker by transferring SO3 from a more sublimated compound of calcium sulfate CaSO4 to less sublimated potassium sulfates K2SO4 and sodium Na2SO4. Potassium and sodium oxides are introduced in the composition of carbonates and feldspar. The amount of introduced alkali oxides is controlled by the molar ratio A/S between sulfur oxide SO3 and alkaline oxides K2O and Na2O. It is shown that with the same molar ratio between sulfur oxide and alkaline oxides, the amount of SO3 removed with clinker depends on the ratio between potassium and sodium oxides. The higher the sodium oxide content, the more sulfur oxide comes out with the clinker and less remains to circulate in the kiln. The sublimation of sulfur oxide decreases from 70.5% - without the introduction of alkaline oxides, to 38,5 % at the maximum A/S ratio with the addition of potassium and sodium oxides in a ratio of 80:20 %. When potassium and sodium oxides are added in a ratio of 20:80%, the sublimation of sulfur oxide is reduced to 7,7 % at the same A/S ratio.

: white cement, white clinker burning, reduced sulfur oxide circulation, dry production, covering

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