Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a serious crisis in the Russia’s education system, associated with the simultaneous universal transition to distance learning, which required the mobilization of all information and communication resources, and intensification of efforts to create conditions for e-distance learning implementation. In this paper the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of high educational institutions’ students distance work in the Moodle e-learning environment when studying "Descriptive Geometry" course have been theory-based and defined. Has been performed generalization of pedagogical experience and analysis of scientific literature on education informatization. Have been presented the concept and algorithm of the developed electronic course, which includes interactive lectures, practical studies and test tasks. The system of statistical indicators used to optimize test tasks, whose calculation incorporated into the Moodle system, has been considered: the ease index of test tasks, standard deviation, discrimination index, and discrimination coefficient. Have been presented the results of survey findings for students on the peculiarities of working with "Descriptive Geometry" electronic course. Effective organizational and pedagogical conditions for the widespread introduction of "Descriptive Geometry" electronic course during the pandemic have been identified. In the paper’s postlude have been presented ways for further development and improvement of the electronic course. In particular, for educational process’s quality improvement, it is proposed the follows: - to transfer the input control and assessment of students' subject readiness to study graphic disciplines in the Moodle system; - to create appropriate materials for repeating geometry and drawing school courses, to which a student will be redirected depending on test results; - to develop an e-course working algorithm, building a certain trajectory of learning adapted to a particular student.
Moodle e-learning environment, COVID-19 pandemic, descriptive geometry, organizational and pedagogical conditions, distance learning, e-courses
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