Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. It is important to develop methods for the diagnosis and treatment of secondary destructive parotitis (SDP) depending on the form of the disease. A working classification of SDP is proposed. The aim of the study is to improve the diagnosis of SDP by developing a program for early detection and differential diagnosis of forms of diseases. Methodology. The basis of this work was the examination and treatment of 287 patients with various forms of destructive parotitis. Results. In 103 patients with SDP, the disease occurred as a monoabsccess and with the formation of multiple small-focal abscesses. Changes in indicators of metabolic processes, hemostasis and immunity did not exceed the limits of possible physiological fluctuations. In 62 patients with phlegmonous form of SDP, a significant decrease in total serum protein was observed (by 8%). When combined with SDP and pancreatic pathology, the level of amylase increased 3 to 4 times. Of the 122 patients with SDP 14% were dominated by alterations in the local inflammatory response and the development of general complications in the form of sepsis. There are two main states of life support systems: unstable compensation and decompensation. Conclusions. Clinical and laboratory manifestations of SDP dictate the expediency of identifying the main forms of the course of the disease which are characterized by certain clinical and laboratory data. Given the real threat of the spread of acute inflammatory process, the development of local and general complications, treatment of SDP should be performed only in a specialized maxillofacial hospital.

acute parotitis, secondary destructive parotitis, sialoadenitis, phlegmon, abscess, purulent-necrotic inflammation, endogenous intoxication syndrome, immunodeficiency, inflammatory reaction, inflammatory complications

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