According to the survey of 214 patients aged between 28 to 75 years (the average age 49 years) with chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases the author identified the informative of the use of medical test of the electro-acupunctural method by Reinhold Voll (EAV) when forming the rehabilitation therapy by using composite homeopathic remedies. The method presented in this study shows the dynamics of the electro-dermal skin conductance measuring at acupoints when choosing a composite homeopathic remedy. When testing homeopathic remedies and in case of compliance of the particular drug with physiological processes or biological information of the patient´s body the resonant response on a EAV device scale is being fixed as a positive medical test. At the same time the pathological changes in electrophysiological measurements such as the «maximum deflection» (MD) and the «range of return arrow» (RRA) return to relative range of physiological norm. In the study we introduce the research on objectification of the selection of homeopathic remedies and optimization of the recommended amount of complex homeopathic remedies in the patients with respiratory system diseases. The diagnostic results of the electro-acupunctural method by Reinhold Voll obtained in this study allow to forming tactics of the therapy using composite homeopathic remedies in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with chronic lung disease.
composite homeopathic remedies, medical test of the electro-acupunctural method by Reinhold Voll,chronic pulmonary disease.
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