, Russian Federation
graduate student from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2020
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 05.02.2000 Машиностроение и машиноведение
VAC 05.17.00 Химическая технология
VAC 05.23.00 Строительство и архитектура
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 31.21 Органическая химия
OKSO 18.06.01
BBK 222 Механика
TBK 5543 Технология полимерных материалов
BISAC REF000000 General
The extraction of natural wollastonite in the world is limited, so it is relevant to synthesize it on the basis of available calcium and silicon-containing raw materials, and it is promising to use rice husks as a source of silicon dioxide, as a waste of rice processing. Due to the needle shape of the particles, natural wollastonite increases the wear resistance of epoxy coatings, which arouses interest to study the influence of the phase composition and properties of synthetic wollastonite on this property. The calcium silicate synthesized by authors contains β-wollastonite, which is the target component. Its maximum content is achieved at a synthesis temperature not higher than 950 °C, approximately at the level of natural Mivall 10–97. Larnite is found as an impurity in the composition of synthetic wollastonite, it is an island silicate with a chain structure and therefore cannot provide such a modifying effect as fillers with anisodiametric particle shape. The nature of the particle size distribution curves of both natural and synthetic volastonite has two maxima, regardless of the filler synthesis temperature, with the exception of calcium silicate obtained at 900 °C, the particle distribution is narrower than in synthesized fillers, and they are smaller. The wear resistance of epoxy compositions, when filled with both natural and synthetic wollastonite, increases. The greatest increase in this indicator is achieved when using synthetic wollastonite, obtained at a ratio of calcium oxide and silicon dioxide 1: 1 and temperatures of 900-1000 °C. Thus, epoxy materials filled with both natural and synthetic wollastonium obtained at optimal ratios of the initial components and synthesis temperatures can be effectively and economically used as wear-resistant coatings.
wear resistance, epoxy polymers, synthetic wollastonite, phase composition, particle size distribution
1. Ciullo P.A., Robinson S. Wollastonite - versatile functional filler/ Paint and Coatings Industry. 2009. No. 11. Pp. 50.
2. Gotlib E.M., Ilyicheva E.S., Sokolova A.G. Wollastonite as an effective filler for composite materials: textbook [Vollastonit kak effektivnyy napolnitel' kompozitsionnykh materialov: uchebnyy]. Benefit. M: 2013. 87 p. (rus)
3. Balkevich V.L., Peres F.S., Kogos A.Yu. et al. Synthesis of wollastonite from natural carbonate-siliceous composition [Sintez vollastonita iz prirodnoy karbonatno-kremnezemistoy kompozitsii]. Glass and ceramics. 2005. No. 1. Pp. 20–21. (rus)
4. Gladun V.D., Akateva L.V., Andreeva N.N., Kholkin A.I. Production and application of synthetic wollastonite from natural and technogenic raw materials [Polucheniye i primeneniye sinteticheskogo vollastonita iz prirodnogo i tekhnogennogo syr'ya]. Chemical technology. 2004. No. 9. Pp. 4–11. (rus)
5. Sarangi M. S, Bhattacharyya, Beher R. C. (2009). Effect of temperature on morphology and phase transformations of nanocrystalline silica obtained from rice husk. Phase Transitions: A Multinational Journal. 2011. Vol. 82. No. 5. Pp. 377–386.
6. Kumar S., Sangwan P., Dhankhar R. Mor V., Bidra S Utilization of Rice Husk and Their Ash. A Review Res. J. Chem. Env. Sci. 2013. Vol. 1. No. 5. Pp.126–129.
7. Ghosh, R., Bhattacherjee S. A review study on precipitated silica and activated carbon from rice husk. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Process Technology. 2013. Vol. 4. Iss. 4. Pp. 156–162.
8. Korobchikova T.S., Orlova N.A. Investigation of the granulometric composition of wollastonite of the Sinyukhinsky deposit and its effect on the properties of filled polymer compositions [Issledovaniye granulometricheskogo sostava vollastonita Sinyukhinskogo mestorozhdeniya i yego vliyaniya na svoystva napolnennykh polimernykh kompozitsiy]. Paints and varnishes and their application. 2010. No. 5. Pp. 26–29. (rus)
9. Hamisah Ismail, Roslinda Shamsudin, Muhammad Azmi, Abdul Hamid and Azman Jalar Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Wollastonite from Rice Husk Ash and Limestone. Materials Science Forum. 2013. Vol. 756. Pp 43–47.
10. Yazdani H., Rezaie R., Ghassai H. Investigation of hydrothermal synthesis of wollastonite using silica and nano silica at different pressures. J. Ceram. Process. Res. 2010. Vol. 11. Pp. 348–353.
11. Grellmann W., Seidler S. Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2001. Pp. 405–418.
12. Terentyev V.F. Tribotechnical Materials Science [Tribotekhnicheskoye materialovedeniye]. Krasnoyarsk: Materials Science. 2003. 103 p. (rus)
13. Gotlib E.M., Ha T.N.P., Khasanova A.R., Galimov E.R. Comparison of modifying action in epoxy polymers of natural and synthetic wollastonite [Sravneniye modifitsiruyushchego deystviya v epoksidnykh polimerakh prirodnogo i sinteticheskogo vollastonita]. Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Chemistry. 2019. No. 13. Pp. 13–19. (rus)
14. Mohan T.P., Ramesh Kumar M., Velnrirugan R. Mechanical and vibration characteristics of epoxy-clay nanocomposites. Journal of materials science. 2006. Vol. 41. Pp. 5951–5925.
15. Tverdov I., Gotlib E., Ha T.N.P., Sokolova A., Islamova G. The impact of crystallite size of naturally occurring and synthetic wollastonite on its modifying effect in epoxy coatings. Proceedings of the XXIII International Scientific Conference FORM 2020, the journal IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Pp. 869.