Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers tourism as a cultural phenomenon in its morphological aspects. Examines manifestations of tourism in the material and spiritual forms of culture. When lighting the contribution of tourism to the material culture the attention is drawn to all the main areas of its production and technological activities: agriculture, buildings, equipment, transport, communications and technology. Agritourism is provided as a multi-example. Spiritual form of culture within the tourism perspective is revealed primarily through the category of «knowledge.» On concrete examples explores how tourism af ects its acquisition and accumulation. At the same time takes into account all the essential areas of knowledge: practical, scientif c, religious, gaming and mythological. It’s shown how tourism is implemented in the main tasks of the culture, such as the creation of artif cial habitat and transmission of cultural inheritance. It is proved that tourism is an incentive for the development and creation of many new features that form artif cial (cultural) human habitat. Sending the same social inheritance is the most evidently made in the cultural, educational and religious tourism. Much attention is paid to the functions of culture, which f nd their refraction in tourism: epistemological, regulatory, adaptive, semiotic and axiological. But the most complete disclosure of the work is the communicative function. Its example examines the role of tourism in cross-cultural communication. Expanding the types of culture, correlating with the main areas of public life, it is indicated how a tourist, who faces manifestations of dif erent culture can change his mental and behavioral paradigms. In process of levels of culture analysis (vital, specialized and full cultures) it’s revealed that specialized level tourism but mostly empathic levels of culture act as a powerful factor in the humanization of culture. Given the importance of tourism as a cultural phenomenon.

tourism, morphology, forms, tasks, functions, types and levels of culture.

Туризм представляет собой весьма сложное и многообразное явление культуры. Необходимо отметить, что он находит отражение во всех формах, задачах, функциях, видах, уровнях культуры, проявляя себя также в культурогенезе, типологии, динамике и глобализации культуры, кросскультурных коммуникациях, онтологических и гносеологических культурных аспектах. Но даже подробный обзор, не говоря о серьезном научном исследовании, означенных выше позиций, может быть осуществлен лишь в рамках монографии. Поэтому в данной работе будет предпринята попытка раскрыть специфику туризма лишь через морфологические составляющие культуры.


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