Russian Federation
Historic reenactment and it’s case — military-historic reenactment are def ned in the article. Historic reenactment сan be def ned as an educational activity, a hobby or an activity for amusement, leisure or as a reproduction of the material and spiritual culture of a particular epoch and also may have scientif c purposes. Historic reenactment is particularly overviewed . Live history and historic tournaments (buhurts) are emphasized in the article. Further in the article it is said about the process of preparation and organization of historic reenactments, the whole industry has been formed in this sphere. Historic reenactments are retrospectively overviewed from ancient times through middle ages to modern times when the f rst clubs dealing with them appeared. Also directions of historic reenactments are shown here: Roman empire, Middle ages, Napoleon wars, Religious festivals, World War I, World War II. Numerous examples of historic reenactments in Russia are depicted as well as their impact on the development of event-tourism and theme-tourism. Particular features and f nancial aspects of historic reenactments carried out in Moscow are spoken about. The growing role of historic reenactments in the development of event-tourism in Moscow is described, particularly the military-historic festival “Times and epochs” is spoken about. Financial aspects of historic reenactments in Moscow are viewed upon.
living history, historical reenactment, battle reenactment, military-historic tourism, event tourism.
Историческая реконструкция как явление.
В настоящее время в рамках существующего туристского пространства все отчетливее формируется его особый сегмент — событийное пространство, предлагающее новый туристский продукт, основанный на событийном календаре территорий, объединяющий выставки, фестивали, форумы, слеты, праздники и другие события [1. с. 36]. Подобные события не только обогащают событийный календарь территории, но и формируют культурную и историческую составляющую ее имиджа.
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