Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A modern University in the XXI century is a center of public communications, which has a certain specificity. At the present stage, the University’s communication space has almost completely switched to a digital format. This is due to several factors. First of all, the digitalization of communication channels and the creation of digital realities is an essential feature of the information society in which society will develop in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, the pandemic that limited traditional forms of communication, including in the University environment, was a factor that accelerated the creation of digital reality at the University. The events of 2020 have become a trigger that intensifies all digital formats of socio-cultural processes. The generality of the changes that have occurred puts forward new requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of specialists who determine the country’s economy, science, politics, and socio-cultural sphere today. In these conditions, the digital reality of the University becomes a unique space in which society’s demands for training effective personnel are realized. The digital aspect of the educational process imposes requirements for the possession of digital technologies for teachers and University administration. In the new conditions, the digital space of higher education becomes the basis for creating a digital reality of the entire state, where technologies for the successful development of society are developed and verified.

social reality, construction, higher education, information society, digital communications

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