employee from 01.01.2003 until now
Donskoy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (Soprotivlenie materialov, docent)
Don State Technical University (Strength of materials, associate professor)
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Rostov na Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
GRNTI 67.09 Строительные материалы и изделия
GRNTI 67.01 Общие вопросы строительства
OKSO 08.06.01 Техника и технологии строительства
BBK 385 Строительные конструкции
BBK 308 Монтаж, эксплуатация, ремонт машин и промышленного оборудования
BISAC ARC024000 Buildings / General
Reinforced concrete elements of structures in the form of columns, beams, ceilings are widely used in the construction of buildings and structures of industrial and civil construction. In most cases, the columns serve as supports for other building elements, for example, crossbars, slabs, girders, beams. One of the cycles of the work of reinforced concrete structures is the state of their repair and reconstruction, including the stages of strengthening the elements. There is a problem of strengthening of reinforced concrete columns. The article deals with the issue of reinforcing columns and other structural elements having a cylindrical surface, with polymeric composite materials in the form of carbon fiber lamellae. The use of composite materials allows to increase the service life and strength of reinforced concrete structures used in construction.
structure, column, structure, polymeric composite material, lamellas, carbon plastic, optimality
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10. Mayackaya I.A., Fedchenko A.E, Demchenko D.B. Voprosy optimal'nosti pri usilenii stroitel'nyh konstrukciy polimernymi kompozicionnymi materialami// Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. «Stroitel'stvo i arhitektura – 2017. Fakul'tet promyshlennogo i grazhdanskogo stroitel'stva», 28–30 noyabrya, Donskoy gos. tehn. un-t.– Rostov-na-Donu: DGTU, 2017. – S. 195–205.
11. Demchenko D.B., Mayackaya I.A., Polismakov A.I. Chislennaya realizaciya zadachi ob izgibe balki-polosy na uprugom osnovanii metodom konechnyh raznostey // Molodoy issledovatel' Dona.– Rostov-na-Donu: DGTU, 2017.– № 2(5), 2017, – S. 81–94.