, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The aim of the research is to analyze the indicators of the provision of medical personnel of various specialties in the Russian Federation and consider the number of doctors in foreign countries. The study used statistics from Rosstat in the health sector. The calculation of the specific gravity for various medical specialties was made. The main research method was trend analysis and descriptive statistics. The indicator of provision with doctors of all specialties per 10,000 population in the study period had a downward trend (–4.3%). The largest decrease occurred among pediatricians (–36.0%). A smaller decrease occurred among obstetricians-gynecologists (–1.7%), psychiatrists and psychiatrists-narcologists (–11.7%), phthisiatricians (–16.6%). An increase in the indicator was registered among physicians of a therapeutic profile without a GP (+1.8%), a GP (family) (+14.2%), a surgical profile without anesthesiologists-resuscitators (+4.0%), radiologists and radiologists (+15,3%), dentists (+2.3%). The indicator was unchanged among ophthalmologists, otorhinolaryngologists, neurologists, dermato-venereologists, exercise therapy doctors. The proportion of therapeutic doctors (without GPs) and GPs tended to increase and amounted to 1.7% and 22.8%, respectively, by the end of the study period. The specific gravity indicator increased among surgical doctors without anesthesiologists-resuscitators, obstetricians-gynecologists, ophthalmologists, otorhinolaryngologists, neurologists, radiologists and radiologists, exercise therapy doctors, dentists. A decrease was registered in pediatricians, psychiatrists and psychiatrists-narcologists, phthisiatricians, dermato-venereologists. The Russian Federation occupies a leading position among the awakened countries in terms of the provision of doctors (per 100,000 population). Discussions about the general shortage of medical personnel in the Russian Federation have no substantial grounds. It is necessary to pay attention not to quantitative indicators of the provision of the population with doctors, but to qualitative ones. To form a sustainable national health system, it is necessary to balance the ratio of medical specialists of various specialties. It is necessary to develop a mechanism for a scientifically based "state order" for doctors of the required specialty, as well as to form a flexible mechanism for the distribution of specialists.
doctors, staffing, healthcare.
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