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Abstract (English):
Reducing the external load is an uncontested method of reducing the rate of anthropogenic eutrophication of the lake, since the possibilities of real impact aimed at reducing the internal load over a large area are extremely limited. The purpose of this study is a quantitative assessment of the external load of nitrogen and phosphorus on Lake Nero from the drainage basin in modern conditions. The assessment of the nutrient load from the drainage area of Lake Nero was carried out according to the mathematical model of the formation of the nutrient load, developed at the Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The model is designed to solve problems related to the quantitative assessment of the external load on water bodies, formed by point and nonpoint sources of pollution, forecast of its change under the influence of possible anthropogenic and climatic changes, taking into account the influence of hydrological factors and the retention of nutrients by the catchment and the hydrographic network. It was found that the load on the aquatic area from the catchment is 51.5 t P / year and 585.5 t N / year, of which 36.0 t P / year (70% of the total load on the lake) and 176.5 t N / year (30%) go directly to lake from coastal settlements. Provided that the entire population is connected to treatment facilities and the introduction of best available technologies (BAT) for agriculture, according to a numerical experiment, the load will decrease by 23% for total phosphorus and 19% for total nitrogen.

nutrient load, reservoir, catchment area, modeling
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