VAC 03.03.00 Физиология
UDK 57 Биологические науки
This article presents new data on pigment concentrations in phytoplankton, epiphyton and bottom sediments of the shallow highly productive Lake Nero (Yaroslavl Region, Russia) based on survey materials in summer 2017. The depths at the stations varied within 0.4–4 m, the values of water transparency were 20–150 cm. The bottom sediments of the lake were sapropel or sapropel with remains of macrophytes. The pigment concentrations were determined by spectrophotometric method in 90% acetone extract. The average concentrations of chlorophyll a were 73.5±6.1 μg/L in phytoplankton and 40.7±21.4 mg/m2 of substrate in epiphyton, the sum of chlorophyll a with pheopigments in bottom sediments was 313±20.6 μg/g dry sediment. These values are comparable to those in the previous observation years. The relative content of pheopigments (in the sum with chlorophyll a) was characterized by low values in the functioning communities of phytoplankton (23±2%) and epiphyton (28±2%) and reached the highest value in bottom sediments (89±1%). There are competitive relations between all plant communities, as evidenced by the different variability of their production characteristics. The variation coefficient of the chlorophyll concentration reached 190% in epiphyton and only 54% in phytoplankton, while the coefficient of variation of the content of chlorophyll a with pheopigments in bottom sediments was 29%. The spatial distribution of algal pigments depended on the presence of macrophyte thickets. Overgrowing of the water area with macrophytes affected the content of pigments in phytoplankton negatively but the pigment accumulation in bottom sediments positively. The average chlorophyll concentration of phytoplankton at stations with macrophyte thickets (49±10 μg/L) was 1.5 times less than at stations without macrophytes (82±7 μg/L). In sapropel, the mean value of the sum of chlorophyll a and its derivatives in open sites was 277±16 and in overgrown areas was 397±42 μg/g dry sediment. The trophic state of the lake has remained hypertrophic for the last 800 years, despite the long-term dynamics of plant communities. The ecosystem of the lake Nero is at the last stage of succession.
chlorophyll a, pheopigments, phytoplankton, epiphyton, bottom sediments
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