Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the possibility of using the method case-study in training military personnel. The method case-study (a method for analyzing specific situations) over the past decades has gained great popularity and distribution as a method of training "managers". This method is a teaching method based on the analysis of real or fictitious situations to develop the most acceptable way to solve the problem. This approach to teaching seems to be quite progressive, because the need to make decisions in conditions of ambiguity of choice accompanies a person throughout his life, including his professional sphere and not only managerial, therefore the importance of using this teaching method in various fields is emphasized by many scientists and teachers. The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of using the case method in training servicemen, increasing the level of their professional, combat and special training. The authors found that the use of the case method as a necessary addition to the "traditional" methods of training military personnel increases the level of professional training, motivation, the immediate relevance of the material being studied, the importance of the acquired skills in processing and analyzing the information received. It was noted that the students have better formation of the skills of using constructive-communicative methods in communication, diagnostics and formulation of the main problem, isolating it from secondary ones. These skills are not only purely professional, but also personal qualities that allow servicemen to more fully realize themselves in their professional environment. In this connection, the case method can serve as an important addition to the "traditional" methods of training military personnel.

method case-study, training military personnel, methods of training military personnel

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