Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For the first time, a study of the water toxicity of the highly eutrophic lake Nero was conducted using bioassay methods. For the entire period of observations on toxicological indicators of water, only station 3, located north of Rozhdestvensky Island, where toxicity was not registered for any test organism belongs to the most successful ones. The most unfavorable stations are stations 11, 13 and 16, which registered toxicity for all test organisms on both dates of observation. In the polluted areas of the lake (art. 5–8), confined to its Northern part, exposed to domestic and industrial wastewaters of Rostov City, chronic toxic effects of water were observed in 80% of cases. The correlation dependences of changes in some test functions of the test objects used on the content of individual polyaromatic hydrocarbons in water or their sum have been established. Arsenic and petroleum products had an impact on the growth of watercress roots, petroleum products influenced the death of Ceriodaphnia for 7 days and the number of brood during the same period. For an objective assessment of the quality of the environment, it is necessary to use several test objects belonging to different systematic groups and trophic levels.

water, toxicity, bioassay, lake Nero
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