Some aspects of the reliability of automated commercial electricity accounting systems (ASCUE) in electricity systems (SES) are considered. The reliability and readiness to work of ASCUE is determined by many factors. The necessary measures to ensure and improve the reliability of ASCUE and measures to implement these systems in the rural, urban and industrial SES are outlined.
automated Commercial Electricity Accounting System (ASCUE), Reliability, Electricity System.
1. Celi i zadachi primeneniya ASKUE v sistemah elektrosnabzheniya. [Elektronnyy resurs]//
2. Chto takoe ASKUE, v chem ih preimuschestva ispol'zovaniya. [Elektronnyy resurs]// nia-sistemy/html.
3. Informaciya o primenenii ASKUE NTP «Energokontrol'».
4. GOST R 27.003-2011. Nadezhnost' v tehnike. Upravlenie nadezhnost'yu. Rukovodstvo po zadaniyu
5. GOST 27.003-2016. Nadezhnost' v tehnike (SSNT). Sostav i obschie pravila