Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article notes that reducing the risk due to destruction is possible by an a priori assessment of the maximum technical condition and the degree of degradation of the material of the technical device. The idea is to use a priori information about the technical condition and degradation processes that cause a decrease in strength and a decrease in resource. The application of numerical indicators of corrosion, corrosion resistance of materials, the degree of wear and reserve strength, defects, the risk of destruction and the effectiveness of technical diagnostics at any stage of the life cycle of a technical device is shown. The justification of the model of transition to the limit state is given. Numerical indicators of corrosion, corrosion resistance of materials, the degree of wear and reserve strength, defects, and the risk of destruction are applied. The possibility of developing recommendations for repair, strengthening or replacement of worn-out elements of individual and unique technical devices of various designs is shown.

security, source resource, the source of the condition, residual life, design life, limit state, strength, risk.
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