Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors conducted a retrospective analysis of medical records of 71 patients operated on biliary obstruction with biliodigestive anastomoses. In the early postoperative period of 71 patients with various types of complications were observed in 14 (19,7%) patients of еarly postoperative mortality was 5,6% (4 patients) and 56 patients were observed from 1 year to 7 years after surgery. All patients in the postoperative period were performed trans-abdominal ultrasound imaging, tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, fistulography. The technique of improving ultrasonic visualization of the distal bile duct and area BDA and ultrasound semiotics state of biliodigestive anastomoses in the early and late postoperative period were developed. Ultra-sound criteria of insolvency biliodigestive anastomoses in the early postoperative period, and signs of scarring biliodigestive anastomoses and development of reflux cholangitis in the late postoperative period were carried out and systematized. High precision of data of ultrasonic imaging with a clinical diagnosis was noted. The sen-sitivity of ultrasound in detecting reflux cholangitis amounted to 100%; specificity – 83,7%; accuracy was 87,5%. The sensitivity of ultrasound in detecting scar stricture biliodigestive anastomoses amounted to 87,5%; the specificity was 93,8% of the respondents; the accuracy of 92,9%.

ultrasound,bile ducts, biliodigestive anastomosis, reflux cholangitis.

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