The article describes the current economic trends development services sector through the effective economic development paradigms prism: from industrial-oriented to service-oriented, when it’s impossible to provide the high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries accelerating development, without the consumer industries complex of public goods and services providing development. The life quality improving and human interest to the new impressions had provided the growth of committed travels. Under the world economics consumer psychology changes, from the second half of the XX century, the world has witnessed the rapid development of global and national tourism markets. However, the Russian national market of tourist services lags behind the world´s leading tourism industry and shows a slow growth. The huge territory, underdevelopment supporting infrastructure, lack of tourist class hotels lead to the fact that the development of the tourism sector in the country is extremely uneven and has a point character. Moreover, in 2014 the Russian market of tourist services was recognized as opaque. A large number of limiting factors hinder the development of domestic tourism in Russia, in this regards, the international tourism in our country is developing primarily with a focus on travel. At the science point of view, the management decisions in any economics sphere, even if in tourist market developing, have to be based on the current status and forecasts of market development study and analysis. Due to this reasons, the considered in this article information about current trends in the Russian national tourism market has a high relevance.
services, tourism services market, development trends
Современный этап развития информационных технологий, средств транспорта и связи, способов передачи информации приводит не только к стиранию границ во «Всемирной паутине», но и повышению мобильности населения планеты. Благодаря достижениям технологического прогресса сжимаются расстояния, растут скорости, совершенствуется качество и увеличивается количество услуг, которые современный бизнес может предложить обществу.
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