Comparative analysis of vegetative nervous system parameters in subject with postherpetic neuralgia was carried out before and after taking medical rehabilitation (hirudotherapy). The aim was to determine a law of behavior of quasi-attractors parameters of nervous system parameters in Ugra population in health and postherpetic neuralgia, and on this basis work out recommendations on hirudotherapoic treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Materials and methods. 240 male and female, aged between 21-55 (the able-bodied population), took part in the experience. Subjects were divided in 8 groups (by 30 subjects per a group): by sex, by age, by period of living in the North of Russian Federation: before and over 10 years. Results and discussion. As a result of this, we discovered that parameters of quasi-attractors volumes in a female group suffering from postherpetic neuralgia define peculiarities of state of vegetative nervous system that is reflected in sharp decrease of quasi-attractors volumes. Conclusion. To sum up, hirudotherapy is recommended to patients suffering from postherpetic neuralgia in order to stabilize neurovasomotor cluster and provide ef-fective treatment.
hirudotherapy, postherpetic neuralgia, RR interval, quasi-attractor.
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