Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Hospital education is a new phenomenon in the Russian educational space that has emerged and strengthened into the pedagogical community by authors and creators of the Federal educational project "UchimZnaem". To date, the project includes seven elementary and secondary schools in Moscow and about 40 school sites in the regions of Russia. The main problem faced by the heads of hospital schools is to search and select of teachers for long-term ill children who receive education within the walls of medical institutions. After all, for the majority of teaching staff, a medical organization is not a natural environment for professional activity as in pedagogical universities no one prepared them to work in a children's hospital. In this article, the authors attempted to identify and group the main categories of requirements for a hospital teacher. The formulated requirements were then evaluated by the expert community in terms of importance and formed the basis for the scheme of the recruitment process for hospital teachers for the flagship site of the «UchimZnaem» project.

hospital school, hospital teacher, recruitment, selection of teaching staff

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