Adaptive landscape diagnostics and assessment of the state of the soil cover structure of reclaimed territories by transectcatenation method
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The basis of adaptive landscape diagnostics and assessment of the structure of the soil cover of the reclaimed territories is based on the basin principle, since the drainage basin is the prevailing geosystem that forms the landscape everywhere, the fundamental concept of which is based on the idea of the interrelation and interdependence of all natural phenomena of the earth’s surface. The key geosystem unit for mapping the soil cover structure and its diagnostics in the catchment area is the transect-catena. In the transect-catena, as a natural body, not torn out of the space and time of regional development of the territory and being its full-scale model, and an information key, the areal «geometric shape» (cartography) of the soil cover is combined with catenary (geochemical conjugation) and with structural functionally organization of geosystems.

adaptive landscape diagnostics, transect-catenation, drainage basin, basin principle, geosystem, erosion basis, aeration zone, reclaimed strata, method

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