Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Powdery mildew is one of the pathologies of deciduous plants. In the affected plant organism, metabolic processes are disrupted. Plants lag behind in growth; lose winter hardiness and resistance to unfavorable factors. The aggressiveness of powdery mildew fungi is the basis for the study of their bioecological characteristics in various forest zones. The relevance of such studies in the conditions of the city of Voronezh is due to the dominance of deciduous plants on the objects of landscape architecture, which are more or less susceptible to powdery mildew. Studies carried out in parks have shown that the complex of pathogens (causative agents of powdery mildew) is 13 species and 2 forms of fungi. At the same time, 3 species and 1 form proved to be rare. 7 species and 1 form of pathogens were classified as common in terms of frequency of occurrence. Massive species that develop annually in parks are 3 species of powdery mildew fungi. Common barberry, English oak, ash-leaved maple and hawthorn showed weak resistance to the disease. Signs of affection were not noted on aspen, black alder, Babylonian willow, common and small-leaved elms, robinia, pear, red oak, fragrant poplar, Vangutta spirea, Buldenezh viburnum, Thunberg barberry. Measures to reduce the spread of powdery mildew in parks are monitoring, selection of planting material, the use of resistant species, agrotechnical planting care, maintaining optimal insolation and aeration regimes in plantations
landscape architecture, park plantings, biological resistance of plantations, plant diseases, powdery mildew, pathogens, degree of plant affection
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