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Abstract (English):
A logging vehicle is a source of increased danger, and its serviceability affects road safety. Diagnostics of the technical condition of the car allows you to timely identify serious defects in components, mechanisms and aggregates without removing them and disassembling them, to have time to eliminate malfunctions in time and bring the technical characteristics to the standard. Analysis of the literature data has shown that diagnostics of the technical condition of a logging vehicle plays an important role in preventing accidents. Our task was to improve the reliability of the car and reduce the complexity of work during the next maintenance. In the article, we justify the criteria necessary for the organization of safe operation of logging vehicles when transporting timber on public roads. The age and technical condition of the timber rolling stock fleet is analyzed. The most frequent failures of forest transport vehicles on the example of cars of the KAMAZ family, affecting the organization of traffic safety, are determined. The necessity of pre-trip control inspections and Express diagnostics of vehicles is revealed. Taking into account the identified shortcomings, the scheme of post-trip removal of parameters from the built-in diagnostics system of a logging vehicle and subsequent remote transmission of data to the server of the control room of a motor transport enterprise has been developed. The conducted scientific research allowed us to find a solution to the problem, which is to allocate technical diagnostics in an independent type of technical impact. This measure will reduce the costs of premature technical impacts on the systems, components and aggregates of timber rolling stock without reducing the requirements for traffic safety

technical diagnostics, timber rolling stock, efficiency, quality
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