Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
graduate student from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2020
Perm', Russian Federation
The article gives a review of modern pricing and cost estimating processes in construction and considers the existing software products aimed at automating the processes. According to the results of comparative analysis, none of the software products reviewed support the function of editing the prices currently in use. Editing may be rendered possible if a detailed list of construction operations is available. The list may be adjusted on the fly as cutting-edge building technologies are employed and at the same time taking into account operation scenarios in space-limited environment. The importance of updating the existing products or creating a new information management system is emphasized as highly applicable. Functional models of business processes for the head of the business operations office, a specialist of the business operations office and a specialist in cost estimates have been presented in BPMN 2.0 notation. The presented model of pricing and cost estimates is found far from the ideal perspective. The formulas corrected for calculating the estimated cost of construction are given. After a multiuser information management system is developed, it will enable companies adopt the suggested model of pricing and cost estimates. This solution is realistic as the information management system involves segregating the process of corporate pricing carried out by cost estimate specialists and the process of price quoting carried out by specialists from the business operations office. The authors believe that price quoting will thus be done based on corporate prices and with a user-friendly interface.
design, information system, pricing processes, business processes, automation, estimate rationing
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