Russian Federation
The article presents the scientific project "Linguistic Landscape as a State Policy Mechanism: Sociocultural and Communicative Aspects". It also highlights a scientific conference devoted to studying this topic. Work being carried out within the project’s framework is described; scholars’ vision of would-be research directions in the field of linguistic landscape is given as well.
linguistic landscape, scientific project, verbal codes and cultural codes of the urban environment, signs, multilingualism, naming, toponyms, language environment, non-verbal signs, communication
1. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya «Osennie kommunikativnye chteniya – 2020: Lingvisticheskiy landshaft kak mehanizm gosudarstvennoy politiki» 28-29 noyabrya 2020 g. (meropriyatie v ramkah realizacii proekta «Lingvisticheskiy landshaft kak mehanizm gosudarstvennoy politiki: sociokul'turnye i kommunikativnye aspekty» № 20-011-31742/20 pri finansovoy podderzhke RFFI) [Elektronnyy resurs]: URL: (data obrascheniya: 30.12.2020)