Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The paper hypothesizes that the quality of education in the country is decreasing, the existing education management system is not effective, and contributes to a decrease in the quality of education. To assess the hypotheses, the profitability of human capital formed in education systems according to Rosstat data on the amount of remuneration of workers with different levels of education was considered. It was found that in 2009-2013, an increase in the level of education ensured an increase in the level of remuneration - receiving a bonus for the years of study, but during this period the premium over the years of study steadily decreased. In 2015-2019, the premium for obtaining all types of education, except for higher education, was completely lost. The higher education award has dropped significantly. These phenomena indicate a drop in the quality of education. They are due to the low level of funding for education and the archaic command and control system of education management, based on the administrative and control style of management, the instruments of which are orders, binding standards and control.
human capital, quality of education, administrative and control style of management, orders, standards, control
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