Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. A review of the literature is presented on the topical problem of pediatric dentistry — the development of major dental diseases in childhood due to the existing deficiency of chewing load. The aim of the study was to study the materials of publications on the influence of the deficit of chewing load in childhood on the development of dental pathology. Methodology. The effect of the deficit of the chewing load on the structures of the dentition in children, leading to hypofunction and a decrease in resistance to dental diseases, is described. Results. It was found that in children in the period of mixed bite, the occlusal load is distributed unevenly. One of the reasons for this is malocclusion. As a result, the functional state of the temporal and masticatory muscles changes. The simultaneous presence in the mouth of deciduous teeth that have lost their stability due to root resorption and permanent teeth, which are at various stages of eruption and root formation, leads to a significant decrease in chewing function, leading to poor oral hygiene, uneven training of the chewing muscles, abnormal growth of the jaw bones and the formation of dentoalveolar anomalies. Violation of the chewing function has a negative impact on the growth and development of the child, causing pathological adaptation of all structures to occlusion anomalies. Therefore, the question of the importance of active chewing, full load on the dentition is important for the prevention of periodontal disease, dental caries and the development of dentoalveolar anomalies. Conclusions. The results of the review indicate that there is a connection between the development of major dental diseases in children with a deficit in chewing load due to the widespread consumption of soft foods. In the available literature, there is an insufficient number of works devoted to the influence of the deficit of the chewing load on the development of major dental diseases. In our opinion, one of the ways to solve this problem can be the use of dentoalveolar training in childhood.

major dental diseases, childhood, soft food, chewing load deficit, dentoalveolar training

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