, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The relevance of the research problem is due to the need to update theoretical views and practical actions to create new methods for an objective and structured assessment of the communication skills of students at a medical university. The purpose of the article is to prove the suitability, reliability, feasibility of an objective structured clinical examination (OSKE) as a tool for assessing the communication skills of residents in simulated conditions during the intermediate certification of students. The leading research method was an experiment on the development and implementation of three stations within the framework of the OSKE to assess the communication skills of 77 residents who completed the training course in the discipline "Communication skills" necessary information and resistance to doctor's recommendations. The article shows that experts highly assess the level of formation of general communication skills and skills of explaining information to the patient among the majority of examinees. It was revealed that communication skills associated with persuading the patient to follow the doctor's recommendations require improvement. Based on the methods of oral questioning and questioning, as well as psychometric analysis of the exam results, it has been proven that the developed OSKE is a reliable and valid tool for assessing the communication skills of residents in simulated conditions. The materials presented in the article can be used for intermediate and final certification of students in residency, as well as in the process of teaching future doctors the skills of communicating with patients at clinical departments. The technology of the exam, developed by the authors, will make it possible to fairly objectively assess communication skills, to cause the examinees to experience a sense of fairness in assessment, which is one of the factors in the emergence of a positive attitude towards improving the activity of professional communication.
objective structured clinical exam, communication skills, checklist, residents, experts, standardized patient
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