Eco-legal and economic aspects of developing Malomorsky fishing area of Lake Baikal
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Abstract (English):
Lake Baikal is the largest fresh water reservoir of our planet and a unique natural site included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Meanwhile, Baikal is not only Russia’s largest freshwater fishing reservoir. Large-scale commercial fishing started here at the beginning of the 19th century and, with small breaks caused by bans imposed on industrial fishing due to depletion of valuable commercial fishery species stock, continued until October 2017, when once again restrictions in the fishing industry were imposed. One of the reasons for this was the increasing of the illegal unreported and unregulated fishing which led to depletion of harvestable stock of omul. However, these restrictions neither eliminated extensive unreported fishing, nor solved the problem of rapid fish stock rebuilding in the unique lake. Using methods of mathematical analysis and modeling this article examines factors facilitating breach of law in the fishing industry and unreported fishing for Baikal omul. The article provides a brief characteristic of the Baikal oldest Malomorsky fishing area as well as an eco-economic assessment of the possibility to rebuild the fishing stock within this water zone taking into account the increasing tourist flow in the Baikal region.

Baikal, Baikal natural area, Baikal omul, Maloye More, mathematical modeling
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