, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 69.09 Биологические ресурсы Мирового океана и внутренних водоемов
OKSO 06.04.01 Биология
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
In most western regions, Siberian taimen has become a rarity in its range. At present, only a few refugiums of the Siberian and Far Eastern rivers still have groups of Siberian taimen, where fish of the maximum size are recorded. In the east of its range, the rivers that flow into the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk: The Amur, Uda and Tugur, are the few areas where the Siberian taimen groups are still preserved in good condition in uninhabited places. On the example of p. Tugur (Tuguro-Chumikansky district of the Khabarovsk Territory, Sea of Okhotsk), where there are no roads and a small population, the authors studied the local grouping of Siberian taimen, where individuals of maximum size are still not uncommon. The remaining areas of the range are considered according to scientific publications. Fish of the maximum size are very rare, which is logical: the number of extreme values of the size-age range is minimal. In 2007-2018, in the Tugur River, individuals aged 6-10 years were the maximum (27.6%), and 31-35 years – the minimum (0.9%) of the age range. The archives of the sport fishing base in the Tugur River basin for 2008-2020 showed that the maximum body length of the Siberian taimen was 165 cm, and the maximum body weight was 51.12 kg. Neither in the era of black-and-white photography, nor in the era of video, there is no documentary evidence of the Siberian taimen with a body length of more than 170 cm.
Siberian taimen Hucho taimen (Pallas, 1773), Tugur River refugium, coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, maximum body length and maximum body weight of Siberian taimen, data of fishermen-athletes, IGFA certification
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11. Sabaneev L. P. Life and fishing of freshwater fish. – Kharkiv, Ed. "Progress LTD." – 1993 – 667 p.
12. Sigunov P. N. Jenkhangir's necklaces. Stories about nature. – Moscow.: Izd. Mysl. – 1967. – 57 p.
13. Holcik I., Hensel K. Skacel V. Eurasian huchen, Hucho hucho: the largest salmon in the world / / Prospects in the science of vertebrates. – 1988. – Vol. 5. – 239 p.