, Russian Federation
The article describes the development of pasture lake fish farming within the forest-steppe Trans-Urals on the basis of improving the technologies of the fish-breeding process of one - year and two-year cultivation of commercial fish. Thanks to the introduction of integrated reclamation of lakes of the overseas type of the Trans-Urals and innovative fish farming technologies that use the reclamation effect of aeration of reservoirs in winter, loosening of bottom silt deposits during open water, the natural production potential of the lakes allowed to increase the fish productivity from 30-50 kg / year to 130-200 kg/ha per year. Based on the long-term monitoring of the ecological and fisheries situation of the lakes, it is recommended to intensify the process of modernization of existing fish farms and start creating new ones, which will significantly increase the importance of the Trans-Urals fisheries as part of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. It is recommended to include herbivorous fish – white Amur and white silver carp, and consumers of detritus and bottom silt-pilengas, which can effectively grow in salt water reservoirs, which are many within the southern Trans-Urals.
ecological and fishery monitoring, lakes of the overseas type, increase of fish productivity, effective reclamation of lakes, loosening of bottom sediments, polyculture, phytophagous
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