Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to identify the features of functioning of forest-reclaimed agrobiocenoses and assess their impact in combination with various soil treatments on the formation of winter wheat yield. The object of research was field agrobiocenosis in combination with protective stands. Observations and accounting were carried out according to generally accepted methods. Research result. Research has shown that protective forest belts have an impact on agroecological conditions within the inter-band space and on the yield of winter wheat. It is established that the highest content of productive moisture in the inter-lane space is observed at a distance of 5 to 10 Н from the forest strip. The average content of productive moisture in this zone was 49.4 mm, which is 11.3 mm more than in a field without protective plantings. Differentiated changes in soil moisture in the interband space persist throughout the growing season of winter wheat. Zonal distribution of moisture reserves in the soil affects the formation of the total water consumption of winter wheat, the value of the water consumption coefficient. In a protected field, the total water flow is from 1418.8 to 1758.6 m3/ha, in a field without protective plantings – 1329.7 m3/ha. The yield of winter wheat under the protection of stands is higher than in the field without protective stands. On average, over 5 years of research, depending on the applied technology of soil cultivation, the increase in yield was 0.21–0.29 t/ha. Scientific novelty. In result of the conducted researches the features of moisture and the content of major nutrients in crops in light-chestnut soil in terms of agroecology, the dependence of the activity of soil microbiota from remoteness from planting shelterbelts, assessed the effectiveness of the soil treatment methods and their influence on productivity of winter wheat.

winter wheat, tillage, protective forest belts, agroecological conditions, agrobiocenosis.
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