Abstract. Since entering the 21st century, trade frictions between China and the United States have occurred frequently. In response to the escalation of the US provocation, China began to impose a 25 % tariff on US soybeans. The hindrance of Sino-US soybean trade has brought new opportunities for the development of Sino-Russian soybean trade. Purpose. This article analyzes the current situation of China-Russia soybean trade cooperation in the context of Sino-US trade frictions, and analyzes the current constraints and favorable opportunities in the development of the Sino-Russian soybean trade industry. Methods. The study used monographic, abstract-logical methods and the method of comparative analysis. Results. It can be said that Sino-US trade friction has objectively injected new momentum into Sino-Russian agricultural cooperation, and soybeans have become a new growth point in Sino-Russian agricultural cooperation. In the context of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the long-term trade competition between China and the United States, it is of great significance to further strengthen Sino-Russian agricultural cooperation and increase the level of agricultural trade represented by soybeans between the two countries. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the analysis of limited factors of influence and indication of a new direction of cooperation in the field of soybeans between the PRC and the Russian Federation.
Sino-US trade friction, China-Russia, soybean trade
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