Freeze-Dried Food in the Diet of Temporary Residents of the Far North
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. The Russian Arctic, also called the Far North, attracts a lot of people who work on a fly-in fly-out basis. These temporary residents experience the negative impact of the harsh climate and suffer from unvaried diets and poor ration. Freeze-dried products might be the optimal solution to this problem. The research objective was to find a rationale for the use of freeze-dried long-storage products in the diets of temporary residents in regions with harsh climatic conditions. Study objects and methods. The research featured scientific publications on two topics: 1) nutrition and diet of shift workers in the Far North, 2) development of freeze-dried products for long-term storage in extreme conditions. Results and discussion. Shift workers consume a lot of fats and carbohydrates, while their diet lacks complete proteins, vitamins, minerals, dairy products, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Taking into consideration the high content of sugar and confectionery, the diet ruins the health of the temporary residents and causes alimentary chronic non-infectious diseases. A healthy diet for the Russian Arctic should correspond to the metabolic profile typical of people in chronic environment stress and be complete both quantitatively and qualitatively. Important food products are difficult to deliver to the Far North. As a result, they are microbiologically and chemically contaminated. Therefore, the region needs high-quality functional products with prolonged shelf life. Conclusion. Freeze-dried fermented milk products, fruits, and vegetables can help temporary residents of the Far North to maintain their usual food patterns. Freeze-dried foods have a long shelf life in unregulated temperature conditions, which can solve the issue of food supply even to the most remote settlements.

Diet, ration, freeze drying, freeze-dried food, functional food, stress, adaptation, Far North, Russian Arctic
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The Russian Arctic occupies about 70% of the
Russian Federation. It is an important and developing
source of natural resources. It accounts for 90% of coal
reserves, 80% of hydropower resources, large strategic
reserves of oil and gas, almost the entire volume of
explored rare metals and diamonds, 50% of iron ore
deposits, 80% of forest resources, and more than 60%
of fresh water reserves [1, 2]. Intensive development of
natural resources attracts a lot of shift workers. However,
the harsh climatic conditions make it difficult for the
temporary residents to live and work in the Russian
Arctic: rapid temperature changes, extreme light regime,
and various geomagnetic, gravitational, and radiation
anomalies [3–7]. Moreover, such conditions are quite
often accompanied by unfavorable social and industrial
environment. Together with information overloads,
it causes additional mental fatigue and emotional
stress in the migrant workers, which can become
chronic [3, 8–12].
In October 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin
signed the Strategy for the Development of the Russian
Arctic and Ensuring National Security for the period until
2035. The pressing issue makes it extremely relevant to
improve the adaptation of shift workers and strengthen
their health. First of all, shift workers need access to
adequate nutrition [6, 8, 9, 13–15]. Second, they should
be provided with functional and preventive foods to
maintain health, restore energy costs, reduce the loss of
working time, and increase performance [16–18].
The research objective was to collect and process
scientific and technical data on the food patterns of
communities that experience constant physical exertion
under harsh climatic conditions and to prove the prospects
for introducing freeze-dried long-storage products into
local diets.
Study objects and methods
The paper introduces a review of domestic and foreign
scientific publications in two major fields: nutrition and
diet of the residents of the Far North and the development
of freeze-dried products for long-term storage in extreme
Results and discussion
Diets and food patterns of Arctic communities
often become focus of scientific attention. As a rule,
research objective is to calculate deviations from the
recommended nutrient intake [19, 20].
Ionova studied the diet of the shift workers in the
Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region and revealed a
highly atherogenic character of their diet: more than
Введение. В статье собраны сведения об особенностях питания населения, работающего вахтовым методом в условиях
Крайнего Севера. Цель работы – сбор и анализ научно-технической информации о структуре питания временно работающего
приезжего населения в российских регионах с трудными климатическими условиями, а также перспективах использования
сухих сублимированных продуктов с функциональными свойствами в условиях повышенных физических нагрузок.
Объекты и методы исследования. Научные публикации, посвященные вопросам питания и рациона населения,
проживающего в условиях Крайнего Севера, а также разработки сублимированных продуктов длительного хранения в
экстремальных условиях.
Результаты и их обсуждение. Выявлено, что рацион вахтовиков характеризуется повышенным содержанием жировых
и углеводных продуктов, при недостатке полноценного белка, витаминов и минеральных веществ. В рационах отмечено
недостаточное количество молока и молочных продуктов, свежих фруктов и овощей, и повышенное содержание сахара и
кондитерских изделий, что отрицательно влияет на здоровье населения и приводит к развитию наиболее распространенных
алиментарно-зависимых хронических неинфекционных заболеваний. Показано, что рацион должен соответствовать
особенностям обмена веществ при хроническом стрессе и быть полноценным не только по количественному содержанию
компонентов, но и по качественному. Определено, что отсутствие необходимых продуктов связано со сложностями
их доставки в регион, что приводит к микробиологической и химической контаминации пищевых продуктов во всех
административных территориях Арктической зоны. В связи с чем, возникает необходимость в специализированных
продуктах высокого качества с длительными сроками хранения.
Выводы. Предложено расширение ассортимента и улучшение структуры питания путём использования в рационах
сублимированных функциональных продуктов. Дана информация по примерам использования сублимированных продуктов
в нашей стране и за рубежом в условиях повышенных нагрузок в питании космонавтов, военнослужащих, спортсменов
и др. Показана экономическая эффективность применения сублимированных продуктов питания в зависимости от
продолжительности хранения и дальности перевозки, по сравнению с холодильным хранением. Обобщены данные о
перспективах метода вакуумной сублимационной сушки для создания специализированных сублимированных продуктов.
Ключевые слова. Питание, рацион, сублимированные продукты питания, функциональные продукты, стресс, адаптация,
макронутриенты, микронутриенты, Крайний Север
Для цитирования: Freeze-Dried Food in the Diet of Temporary Residents of the Far North / E. I. Titov, I. S. Krasnova,
V. I. Ganina [et al.] // Food Processing: Techniques and Technology. – 2021. – Vol. 51, № 1. – P. 170–178. https://doi.
Titov E.I. et al. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology, 2021, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 170–178
25% of the temporary residents demonstrated excess
fat consumption [20]. Epidemiological studies on the
territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region
showed that local shift workers aged 20–59 were
prone to metabolic syndrome. Their actual diet was
imbalanced in many aspects as it contained too much
common fats, cholesterol, and sodium, while lacking ω-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates dietary fiber,
vitamins, and minerals, e.g. B-group vitamins, potassium,
calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. [19, 21, 22].
At a mine in the North-Yenisei region of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, the food in the stationary canteen
fully met the requirements for proteins. In fact, the local
shift workers received more protein than recommended
for the daily intake, because they habitually chose
meat or fish for lunch and dinner, while their breakfast
consisted mostly of boiled eggs, cheese, sausages, and
cottage cheese with sour cream. However, the Federal
Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology warns
that protein assimilation can fall down to 80%, which
justifies the increased protein intake. The diet satisfied
the physiological need for fats by 100% and for digestible
carbohydrates – by 85.3%. The content of dietary fiber in
the daily ration exceeded the norm by two times because
vegetable salads, bean puree, cereals, bread, etc. were the
most popular and affordable dishes for breakfast or as a
side dish. The miners’ diet proved to be quite complete,
varied, and balanced. However, the distribution of
calories by meals was imbalanced, and the diet was poor
in vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium [8].
In the Norilsk industrial region, miners’ diet appeared
lacking in calories and essential micronutrients. The diet
revealed a significant shortage of dairy products, fresh
vegetables, and fruits. The share of fish, seafood, eggs,
and vegetable oil was below the recommended level,
while that of sugar and confectionery products exceeded
the norm [23].
A research on the food patterns and nutritional status
of industrial workers in the Sverdlovsk region showed an
excessive intake of fats, saturated fatty acids, and monoand
disaccharides, as well as a lack of polyunsaturated
fatty acids and dietary fiber [24].
Since the 1990s, the Federal Service of State
Statistics for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has
registered a downward trend in the annual production and
consumption of many foods per household member. For
dairy products, this amount has fallen from 437 to 279 kg;
vegetables and melons – from 82 to 62 kg; eggs – from
269 to 176 pcs. By 2012, the share of agricultural
products produced in Yakutia was 28% of the norm for
meat products, 73% – for dairy products, 66% – for eggs,
and 46% – for vegetables and melons. These data indicate
that the local food pattern is undergoing a transformation
as the share of carbohydrates and fats increases due to the
decreasing protein intake [25].
The Federal Research Center for Nutrition and
Biotechnology studied the food patterns of the indigenous
and migrant communities of the Russian Arctic.
Compared to the indigenous people, the newcomers
appeared to consume less bakery products, fatty products,
and fish while eating more vegetables, dairy products
(kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour clotted milk,
cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.), and – less
often – such canned dairy products as sweet condensed
milk [26]. In general, the local level of consumption
of dairy products is not high enough. For instance, in
the Tyumen region, only 45.5% of surveyed residents
consume dairy products every day. The insufficient
calcium intake is typical of all age groups [27].
In 2014, the level of self-sufficiency for milk in
accordance with the recommended rational consumption
rates was 9.3% in the Murmansk Region and 0.5% in the
Chukotka Autonomous Region [13]. A similar study for
2013 also confirmed that the level of self-sufficiency for
certain foods was lower than the recommended nutritional
standards. For milk, it ranged from 0.6 in the Chukotka
Autonomous Region to 59% in the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia); for meat – from 4 in the Magadan Region to
34.3% in Chukotka and Yakutia; for eggs – from 21.7 in
Chukotka to 69.5% in the Murmansk Region [28].
Scientists believe that introducing functional and
locally produced foods into the local diet can increase
people’s resistance to unfavorable environmental and
labor conditions [8, 13, 29–31]. However, there is
evidence that European settlers who adjusted to the local
products and food patterns of the indigenous population
developed negative changes in lipid metabolism later
in life. Their metabolism shifted from the carbohydrate
type to the fatty type, and it is fats that compensate for
increased energy consumption, which increases serum
cholesterol and atherogenic lipids in peripheral blood,
thus triggering atherosclerosis [32].
Panin et al. performed a longitudinal study, which
resulted in the principle of adequacy of nutrition to the
state of energy metabolism. The obtained results made it
possible to reconsider the nutritional standards for shift
workers in order to adjust them to the adaptive changes
in their metabolism. The research team developed
carbohydrate, basic, and protein-lipid diets for young
male shift workers and tested them under real-life
conditions in the Far North. Both the carbohydrate
diet and the diet of the indigenous population proved
inadequate for the migrant working population. The
ideal of proteins:fats:carbohydrates ratio was 16:40:44.
However, energy value can vary depending on the
severity of labor [33].
Available publications demonstrate that the diet of
temporary residents of the Far North should correspond
to the metabolic profile typical of people in chronic
environment stress and be complete both quantitatively
and qualitatively [8, 19, 29, 31, 34]. Most studies on the
diet of non-indigenous communities register excessive
consumption of carbohydrates, refined sugars, and
Титов Е. И. [и др.] Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2021. Т. 51. № 1 С. 170–178
saturated fatty acids against the deficiency of vitamins,
some minerals, essential proteins, and amino acids.
If combined with low ambient temperatures and
insufficient calorie intake, even a short-term physical
activity can lead to vitamin C deficiency. Low
temperatures are known to affect the metabolism of
vitamin C and B-group vitamins [6, 35, 36]. Moreover,
vitamin D deficiency is quite common in high latitudes
[37, 38]. These factors trigger the development of such
alimentary chronic non-infectious conditions as obesity,
atherosclerosis, cardio-vascular problems, arterial
hypertension, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, etc. [20, 22,
26, 34, 39, 40].
Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as eggs and
dairy products, are hard to find in the Russian Arctic. It is
connected with the existing microbiological and chemical
contamination of food products in all administrative
territories of the Arctic zone [13, 14]. Nowadays, the
microbiological indicators of milk, fermented dairy
products, meat, poultry, fish, and seafood seldom meet
sanitary and epidemiological standards [14].
This situation results from the economic difficulties
associated with the food supply to these remote territories
[8, 14, 40, 41, 42]. The most cost-effective and popular
way of food delivery is first by railroad and then by river
transport. Other options are the Northern Sea Route and
air transport.
The food delivery scheme to the Republic of Sakha
(Yakutia) shows that the shipping cost for perishable
food by rail and river transport is 82 rubles (30 days), by
the Northern Sea Route – 118 rubles (13–20 days), by air
– 283 rubles (7 h). All these deadlines are hard to meet in
the harsh climate, and delivery period often exceeds shelf
life of such perishable goods as dairy products, fresh
fruits and vegetables, etc. [2].
Such conditions require new long-storage food
products with a low weight and volume, which can be
achieved by lowering the final moisture content and
using vacuum packaging. For instance, Filippova et al.
developed a technology for natural cryogenic products
to be used in extreme living conditions. The team ground
raw materials at cryogenic temperatures and then dried
them at moderate temperatures. The experiment involved
contract servicemen (n = 30 in each observation) that
performed extreme physical activities. Introducing 30 g
of the experimental product per day for 15 days had a
positive effect on their morphological and functional
condition. The scientists reported reliable data on the
positive changes in the respiratory, cardiovascular, and
central nervous systems [43].
The modified diet had a beneficial effect on lipid
and protein metabolism as well as liver function. 46.7%
of the test subjects improved the muscle strength of the
dominant hand. The share of soldiers with excellent
physique increased by 1.6 times, the number of those
with good physical adaptation – by 1.4 times. The
number of test subjects whose defense mechanisms
improved their adaptive potential increased by 1.5 times.
The new product was also tested on a group of conscript
servicemen with weight deficit (n = 650), who consumed
up to 35 g per day for 15 days. The new diet helped them
to restore standard body weight in 75% of cases. After
the experiment was repeated, 99% of the test subjects
reached standard body weight [43].
Freeze-dried food products are another promising
direction in improving the diets of temporarily residents
of the Arctic regions. Such products are obtained by
vacuum freeze drying, which increases shelf life while
preserving the nutritional value. The method can be
applied to a wide range of food products, especially
vegetables and fruits, but also dairy and meat products.
Domestic freeze-dried products often proved invaluable
in harsh conditions. For instance, freeze-dried meat and
cottage cheese were in the diet of the famous Arctic
expeditions organized by The Komsomolskaya Pravda
in the summer of 1973–1974 in order to find traces of
Russian pioneers. The expeditions received wide media
coverage. The freeze-dried products were developed
by the All-Russian Research Institute of Canning and
Vegetable Drying. During the ascent to Everest in 1984,
Russian climbers gave full marks to the freeze-dried
products developed by Vladimir Voskoboinikov [44].
In the early 1960s, the Moldavian Research Institute
of Food Industry developed and tested a wide range of
vegetable-based freeze-dried products, which were
regularly used in space flights. In the mid-1970s,
the Research Institute of Food Concentrate Industry
and Special Food Technology became the leading
organization for the development of rations and foods for
cosmonauts, borscht with meat being their first successful
freeze-dried project.
The contemporary list of space foods includes 300
types of high-quality, reliable, long-storage products
designed for specific conditions of transportation and
operation [45, 46]. Another list of 100 commercial
foods ensures the diversity of space diet. These products
passed cold-and-hot control tests and were divided into
two groups: those with limited shelf life (60 days) and
those with prolonged shelf life (12-15 months). The first
group includes pressed beluga caviar, adjika, horseradish,
ketchup, and salami mini sausages, while the second
consists of liver pate, canned fish, meat, vegetable and
fruit, freeze-dried yoghurts, dry instant drinks, and
The ration of ISS crews includes the following freezedried
– beef-based soups, e.g. borscht, green cabbage soup,
sauerkraut cabbage soup, pickle soup, potato soup, and
smoked borscht;
– main courses, e.g. goulash, pork tenderloin, roast beef
with side dishes (cabbage, peas in milk sauce, mashed
potatoes, buckwheat porridge), pork with lecso, vegetable
stew with meat, home-style beef, and pasta with meat;
Titov E.I. et al. Food Processing: Techniques and Technology, 2021, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 170–178
– canned meat, e.g. chopped pork with eggs, veal with
vegetables, chicken with eggs, chicken with prunes,
chicken omelet, etc., and commercial canned food,
e.g. liver pate with dill or bacon; and
– canned fish, e.g. five kinds of pike perch, five kinds of
salmon, beluga, sturgeon, aspic sturgeon, bream in spicy
tomato-mustard sauce, etc.
The diet also includes such complete protein products
as freeze-dried milk, cottage cheese with blackcurrant
puree, sea buckthorn puree, and freeze-dried nuts, as
well as canned processed cheeses. Freeze-dried products
include pea puree soup, Bulgarian beans, and canned
beans in tomato sauce.
Freeze-dried foods are also known to be part of
NASA rations [47]. In the early days of the US space
program, space flights lasted from a few minutes to
24 h and required no substantial meals. However,
astronauts involved in project Mercury contributed to the
development of space food. They tested the physiology
of chewing, drinking, and swallowing solid and liquid
food in microgravity. The first astronauts ate freeze-dried
foods from aluminum tubes. Those tubes caused many
problems: it was like sucking in a beverage through a
straw, except that the food was much thicker. Special
materials coated the inner surface of aluminum tubes
because the metal could interact with acids found in
such products as applesauce and produce hydrogen gas.
Aluminum tubes often weighed more than the food they
Eventually, tubes gave way to lighter plastic
containers. Scientists developed small-size solid
freeze-dried foods compressed into dehydrated pieces
or cubes. The cubes were rehydrated with saliva when
chewing. Food crumbles floating in microgravity could
damage equipment, or the astronaut could inhale them.
That is why the cubes were coated in gelatin to reduce
crumbling. Those products were vacuum-packed in
separate portioned containers made of transparent threelayer
plastic foil, which prevented moisture ingress,
preserved taste, and helped to avoid spoilage.
More recent diets included freeze-dried grape and
orange drinks, fruit cocktails, turkey chunks, applesauce,
cream chicken soup, shrimp cocktail, beef stew, chicken
with rice, and turkey with gravy. The menu was repeated
every four days. Each astronaut received 0.58 kg of
freeze-dried food per day.
Freeze-dried products are an important part of
NATO army rations, which proves its rationale. For
example, individual LRP rations are used in to feed
small, well-armed reconnaissance teams that patrol deep
in enemy-held territory. Each package contains 40 bags,
each of which provides one soldier with three meals.
The food packet weighs 300 g, and its calorie content
is 1540 kcal [48–50].
In addition, freeze-dried foods are used by
professional athletes during outdoor competitions and are
part of emergency food reserves [51–53].
Vacuum freeze drying includes freezing the product
and removing moisture by sublimating ice crystals in
vacuum. The process requires low temperatures, which
preserves all important characteristics and quality
indicators of the product [54]. High-quality freezedried
products – vegetables, fruits, fermented milk
products, minced meat and fish – are important both as
independent food products and as part of existing rations
and formulations. This principle can improve the diet of
temporary residents of Arctic Russia, both shift workers
and their families.
At the production stage, freeze drying is more
expensive than simple freezing. However, storage,
transportation, and cooking of frozen products require
more energy costs, which is confirmed by foreign and
domestic studies [55, 56].
Russia has good prerequisites for increasing the
share of freeze-dried foods in the food patterns of Arctic
communities. The city of Borovsk, Kaluga Region, boasts
a freeze drying plant with 20 domestic freeze-drying
units that produce 340 kg of raw materials per drying
cycle each. The plant delivers one hundred different
food products of plant origin. The technologies meet the
best international standards. Freeze-dried products from
Borovsk are highly appreciated by Russian consumers
and receive prizes at domestic and foreign exhibitions.
Freeze drying is a prospective technology to be used
in the diet of shift workers in the Russian Arctic [54].
Freeze-dried products have numerous advantages:
– they preserve nutritional value, including biologically
active thermolabile components, i.e. vitamins, enzymes,
amino acids, probiotic microorganisms, etc. [56, 57];
– maintain excellent sensory properties, e.g. size, taste,
color, smell, etc. [58–62];
– are resistant to radiation;
– have low moisture content, which makes it possible
to store them for up to two years in sealed packaging in
unregulated temperature conditions, and they maintain
high sanitary and hygienic parameters [63];
– possess good porosity and high hygroscopicity; as a
result, they regain their initial state quite easily, and the
powders get totally dispersed during rehydration [64];
– can acquire new consumer properties and increase their
nutritional value if rehydrated with various biological
fluids, e.g. minced meat reconstituted with milk;
– contribute to new technologies due to traditional and
non-traditional raw materials [65];
– have low weight, which reduces transport costs [66].
For example, the mass of vegetable-based freeze-dried
products is ten times lower than that of corresponding
fresh fruits and vegetables.
The review shows that the contemporary diets of shift
workers in the Far North have a lot of flaws. They contain
a lot of fats, fast-digesting carbohydrates, and sodium,
but lack fermented dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.
Functional foods with prolonged shelf life can improve
the situation.
Титов Е. И. [и др.] Техника и технология пищевых производств. 2021. Т. 51. № 1 С. 170–178
Theoretical and practical research in new technologies
of freeze-dried products for preventive dietary nutrition
is especially important as it contributes to the extensive
development of natural resources in the Russian
Arctic, which is fueled by the migration of able-bodied
population from the central regions. Shift workers have
their own food patterns which local food cannot satisfy.
As a result, their diet is imbalanced and poor in various
macro- and micronutrients. Industrial production of
freeze-dried products could improve the diet of shift
workers in the Far North and people in emergency
situations, e.g. they can be added to autonomous survival
kits. Freeze-dried products can increase the adaptive
potential and improve the health of shift workers in hardto-
reach regions.
E.I. Titov supervised the research. V.I. Ganina
reviewed the available scientific publications on nutrition
and diets of shift workers in various regions of the Far
North. I.S. Krasnova reviewed articles on the experience
of using freeze-dried products for long-term storage in
extreme conditions. E.G. Semenova was responsible
for the section about alimentary non-infectious chronic
diseases and the deficiency of various macro- and
microelements in the diet of temporary residents of the
Far North.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of
interests related to the publication of this article.


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