Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main purpose of applied system analysis is the application of the system principle in applied areas of human activity. Therefore, the topic of this study is relevant. System analysis is a fairly popular scientific direction, which has applications in almost all areas of human life. Initially, system analysis was used in the technical field, then it was extended to other areas of human activity. The value of the system approach lies in the fact that the consideration of categories of system analysis creates the basis for a logical and consistent approach to the problem of decision-making. The effectiveness of problem solving using system analysis is determined by the structure of the problems to be solved. The purpose of this article is to consider aspects of the application of applied system analysis in business Analytics and management. The object of the study is business Analytics and management and the study of the application of applied analysis in these areas. In this connection, you need to answer the following questions: define the essence of a systematic management principle; to reveal the concept of the system, describe its properties; to define the concept of the model, consider the types of models in the system analysis; to define the basic stages of modeling of economic objects as research objects business intelligence; identify the main stages of modeling organizational systems.

systems and modeling, modeling in management, system analysis, management decisions, complex systems

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