Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Joint-stock company is the most developed form of private capital association historically and logically growing out of the previous organizational forms of the existence of market organizations. A joint stock company is the result of the development of two interrelated processes. From the standpoint of economic content, a joint-stock company is the result of the development of the relations of production themselves from its natural forms to the commodity form and then to the form of the capitalist economy. From the point of view of the forms in which this content develops, in the form of a joint-stock company, the process of improving organizational forms that allow uniting private capital to achieve a single goal – making a profit – finds its "logical conclusion". Unlike the legal forms of a general partnership and a limited liability company, the form of a joint-stock company allows to combine a potentially unlimited number of investors and their capital on terms that most contribute to the maximization and preservation of private wealth, potentially for all members of modern society.
joint stock company, share, shareholder, capital, risk, private wealth, general partnership, Limited Liability Company
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