Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Speech acts are considered as minimal units of speech activity and as a three-component structure consisting of ilocution, locution and perlocution. Varieties of speech acts are distinguished depending on a statement illocutionary purpose: assertives, commissives, directives, expressives, declarations (according to J. Searle). The possibility of these speech acts occasional nature is emphasized. A speech act occasionality is achieved by using a nomination in a corresponding communicative situation. This nomination has novelty over time and outside the conditions of its speech generation, the absence of a wide (frequency) situational functioning, created on occasion, often with an author’s intention. Specific examples of communicative situations containing a kind of an occasional speech act are given. It is noted that occasional speech acts are a key point in the study of a pragmatic approach to language phenomena, when a producer intensity – to produce a certain speech action – comes to the fore.

speech act; illocution; occasionalism; assertive; directive; commissive; expressive; declaration; occasional speech act

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