Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The theoretical basis of the study was publications that study the premises of the customer experience as the main determinant of satisfaction and loyalty of users of online food delivery services. The aim of the study is to analyze the specifics of the formation of loyalty of Russian buyers by assessing the convenience of using the information attributes of the seller and the quality of the products sold. Our hypothesis lies in the assumption that at the current stage for Russia of the transition from single to massive online purchases, there are great risks of unjustified enthusiasm for the organizational aspects of remote interactions and underestimation of consumer values traditional for offline purchases. At the first stage of the study, an expert assessment of the completeness, accessibility and ease of use of information on the activities of the most popular online delivery services was carried out. Further, according to standard methods, an examination of the quality and safety of caviar and salted fish of the salmon family, purchased from the studied delivery services, was carried out. We have proposed a new model for shaping the online shopping experience. Its first difference is in complementing the list of prerequisites of the shopping experience with independent reviews of product quality and safety. The second feature of the model we propose is predicting consumer satisfaction with interactions with sellers by means of a multi-criteria expert assessment of information about the activities of online stores for buyers. The results of such an assessment for the four studied delivery services turned out to be equally high in terms of the following criteria: information about the online store, the seller, payment and delivery terms. The results of a study of information about goods provided to consumers turned out to be noticeably worse. The highest risks of reduced customer satisfaction of the studied online delivery services were shown by the results of the examination of the quality and safety of the products sold. Two of the six salmon roe samples tested and most of the red fish samples did not pass the microbiological safety test. The results of the study showed that for distance shopping service providers, the struggle for a buyer is shifting towards providing information about products and objectively confirming their quality.

distance selling, online delivery services, food quality, consumer information, product safety expertise
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