Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development by readers of primary school age of the emotional sphere of a work of art, through which one of the key modern competencies is formed - emotional intelligence. The author describes the possibilities of developing emotional intelligence in junior schoolchildren in the course of studying the subject "Literary reading", which is carried out on the basis of their acquaintance with the psychology of children's fiction. Psychologism is considered as an element of the artistic form of a work, with the help of which its meaning and ideological and emotional content are expressed. The methods of using psychologism in the literary and artistic text are characterized and, taking this into account, the methodological approaches to the development of full-fledged textual activity of primary schoolchildren are considered.

primary school reader; lessons of literary reading in primary school; emotional sphere; psychologism; fiction for children; cognitive and aesthetic potential; the formation of emotional intelligence; textual activity; reading competence of primary school students

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