Russian Federation
graduate student
The article examines an important and complex stage in the development of a child's personality during his transition from preschool childhood to school. The concept of "a child's readiness to learn at school" is characterized, the types of readiness and their content are highlighted, correlated with the new tasks of modern primary education. Particular attention is paid to the issues of well-functioning interaction of the preschool educational organization, family and school as a condition for improving the quality of preparing children for schooling. The essence of the concepts "interaction", "pedagogical interaction" is revealed, and the functions of all participants in the studied period of the educational process are determined.
preschooler; younger schoolchild; the concepts of "interaction", "pedagogical interaction"; upbringing and educational functions of a preschool organization, family and school; content and components of the child's readiness for schooling; uniform requirements and strategy for preschool and primary school education
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