, Azerbaijan
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In the article examines the theoretical and practical issues of the rule-making activities of the head of state in ensuring the implementation of the administrative-legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Considerable attention is given to the structure and legal nature of the rule-making activities of the head of state. The study argued that in the content of the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the administrative-legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons it is mainly possible to meet rulemaking. According to the author, it is through him that the daily executive and administrative activities of executive authorities are organized in order to exercise the rights and obligations that are an element of the administrative-legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
law, authority, president, constitution, state, parliament, executive authorities, decrees, orders, subject, refugee, internally displaced person, management
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