Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
This article discusses issues related to the work of scientists (researchers) in the context of modern innovations. The article reveals the features of legislative consolidation in the Labor code of the Russian Federation of a number of rights and obligations of researchers in the field of labor (at the conclusion and termination of an employment contract, competition and certification). Based on the analysis of the relevant regulatory legal acts, some problems encountered by certain categories of researchers in the field of remuneration are shown. The importance of addressing the issue of working hours of researchers using modern technologies, which is aimed at the adoption of the Federal law on remote (remote) work, is emphasized.
innovations, Law on science, scientist, researcher, Labor code of the Russian Federation, features of labor regulation, remote (remote) work
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20. Innovations in labor relations. URL: (accessed 26.08.2020).
21. Access from the reference legal system “Garant” (accessed 02.09.2020). (In Russ.)