Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines the institution of disciplinary coercion, examines the opinions of scientists, materials of judicial practice. The article substantiates that the Institute of disciplinary coercion is a basic legal institution, one of the main functions of which is to ensure the regime of state discipline in government bodies. The issue of more detailed legal regulation of restrictions, prohibitions and requirements imposed on an internal Affairs officer in order to counteract corruption is noted as a significant issue that urgently of the institution of disciplinary coercion. Conclusions: in order to make the current legislation of the Russian Federation more systematic, it is proposed to combine the norms on disciplinary coercion in the police considered in the article in a single source. In our opinion, the positive effect of the above-mentioned consolidation of norms will be achieved due to the fact that both the police Department employees and employees of the departments for the prevention of corruption offenses will turn to a single source.

disciplinary coercion, public service, official, violation, guilt, coercion, corruption, dismissal, official duties, internal affairs bodies
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