Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study is aimed at identifying and analyzing the features of the relationship between biopsychic and social bases of the fear of death. Research objectives: to consider the content of biopsychic mechanisms of the fear of death; to identify the features of the functioning of biopsychic processes as the basis for the fear of death; using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic to analyze the impact of social conditions on the occurrence of fear of death; consider the interaction and interaction of biopsychic and social bases of fear of death; consider possible ways to minimize the fear of death at the individual level and at the level of social groups. Research results. The authors, relying on the theory of interaction of the social with the natural, reveal that the bases of the fear of death are the peculiarities of the functioning of the human psyche, the action of the instinct of self-preservation, emotional and psychophysiological reactions, which are included in the area of functioning of the internal natural. It is noted that the biopsychological foundations of fear are manifested at the level of the individual, personal dimension and represent a natural (natural) form of fear of death, filled with social content. Arising under the influence of external threats, including of a social nature, the fear of death activates the psychophysiological reactions of the human body, that is, the process of social influence on the internal natural is taking place, bringing it to a functional state. At the same time, the inner natural, contributing to the appearance and manifestation of the fear of death, makes a person change social reality, build a new value-semantic hierarchy of life. This reveals the relationship between biopsychic and social foundations of the fear of death. Social upheavals, epidemics, wars, crises, poverty are considered by the authors as the dominant social foundations of the fear of death. It has been established that the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic are extreme conditions for human existence, in which the fear of death is characterized by increased intensity. The reactions of individuals and social groups to the experience of fear of death represent the search for a way to get rid of the fear of death, which constitutes a system of practices for ensuring psychological well-being.

social, natural, fear of death, biopsychic bases, pandemic COVID-19

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