Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. The study of biometric growth indicators, the peculiarities of the passage of the main phenological phases of development, the study of early maturity, yield and commercial qualities of fruits of various varieties of plum, substantiation of the possibility and economic feasibility of their use for setting up intensive plantings in the arid conditions of the Astrakhan region. Methods. Research is carried out in the arid conditions of the Northern Caspian region, in the laboratory of fruit and horticultural crops of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, to study the most promising variety-rootstock combinations of plums, according to the method of variety study of fruit crops for subsequent selection and recommendation of the most promising for industrial gardening. Results. Based on the data obtained and analyzed, the highest level of profitability was obtained for varieties of plum Kubanskaya rannyaya (71.4 %) with a productivity of 2.48 kg/m3 of crown volume, and a payback of 1.79 rubles. for 1 rub. invested costs, and Anna Szpet (77.3 %) with a productivity of 1.07 kg/m3 of crown volume, with a payback of 1.77 rubles. for 1 rub. investment costs. Comparing the research results, it is concluded that the Kubanskaya rannyaya variety, which is the most profitable for industrial cultivation, has a higher productivity potential and more efficiently uses the planting area in comparison with other studied varieties. This variety can be recommended for intensive gardens in the Astrakhan region. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, despite the wide assortment of plums that exists today, for each zone it is necessary to select both varieties and rootstocks for stable and economically viable fruit production.

plum, phenology, variety, flowering, fruiting, yield, fruit weight
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