Rubrics: BIOLOGY
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. Obtaining experimental data for the development of methods for obtaining fiber flax forms resistant to stress factors (drought) by cell selection methods. Methods. The work was carried out in the Tver region in the laboratory of breeding technologies in 2017–2019. The flax varieties Varbara, Belinka, LM-98, Svetoch, Diplomat, Symfonia were used as objects of research. The seeds were obtained from the National Flax Collection Federal state budgetary scientific institution “Federal scientific center of lubya kultur”. The effect of sucrose solution on the length of the primary root was detected at concentrations of 0, 8.7, 14.9 %. To assess the energy of seed germination under osmotic stress, the concentration of sucrose was reduced and the range from 0 (control) to 9 % was considered. Results. Sucrose as a selective agent in the culture of immature flax embryos in vitro at a concentration of 5.0–7.0 % can be selective only for certain genotypes, for example, the Svetoch variety. When culturing callus tissues, using mannitol as an osmotic at concentrations of 0; 30.0; 36.4; 37.0; 37.4; 38.0 mg/l, selection of resistant callus cells with subsequent formation in meristematic foci of adventive buds and shoots can be carried out on media containing 30.0 or 36.4 mg/l osmotic. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the method for obtaining in vitro resistant explants to osmotic stress for flax is being developed for the first time.

flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), sucrose, mannitol, drought resistance, seeds, hypocotyl segments, immature embryos
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