Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The need for effective DNA marking of the performance traits of animals is increasing every year, since the use of DNA markers in breeding can increase performance of animals by up to 20 %. This determines the relevance of scientific research in this area. Our paper presents an analysis of the results of genetic testing according to genes-markers for performance traits: MC4R, MYOD1, MYF4, held during 2019-2020. The subject of the research was populations of purebred young pigs of Yorkshire and Landrace breeds bred at the State Enterprise “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita”, Minsk region. DNA analysis was carried out in the laboratory of animal genetics of the State Scientific 1nstitution “1nstitute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”. Zoology engineering and molecular genetic methods (PCR/RFLP) were used. 1t has been determined that the frequency of occurrence of the preferred allele A of the MYF4 gene in the animals tested made 0.126–0.298, A-MC4R – 0.184–0.345, and C-MYOD1 – 1.0–0.532, respectively. A comprehensive system for assessing the breeding value of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs based according to the МС4R, MYOD1, MYF4 marker genes, developed in the course of research, made it possible to identify preferred alleles and find correlation with performance traits, which ensured increase in the average population values: for self-performance – by 2–4 %, for fattening traits – by 2.7–12.5 %, for meat traits – by 2.8–34.4 %. The novelty lies in the fact that in our research we propose a cheaper method for detecting genetic polymorphisms associated with economically useful traits of pigs using the DNA technology of multilocus genotyping in multiplex reactions, in comparison with genomic analysis using chips (matrices) with 50–60 thousand of SNP.

young animals, Yorkshire and Landrace pigs, breeding, fattening and meat traits, DNA testing, polymorphism, allele, gene markers MYF4, MC4R and MYOD1
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